I’ve Eaten Pretty Much Everything in My House

Have you ever done that? Eaten everything in sight, I mean?


It all started when I woke up too early, managed to make my morning stretches take too long… (they’re supposed to be relaxing, dammit, and you can’t rush relaxation!) and by the time I was ready to eat I was actually 17 minutes late for leaving my house for work.  So, instead of eating a reasonable person breakfast I grabbed a granola bar and ran to the car.

That made me take my lunch break early because I was hungry, obviously, and that led me to being on the verge of hangry by the time I left work.

SO! I got home and unhinged my jaw like I was a snake and then I ate everything I could in sight.

Meanwhile: please, please for the love of God do not Google image search “snake unhinging jaw”.  I was going to attach a picture to this post of something quirky and funny and now I’m just terrified that I’m going to get eaten alive if I fall asleep while camping.

If you didn’t head my warning about the Google image search… well, I’m sorry.  Here’s a picture of two bunny rabbits kissing to make you feel better.
