Making Friends is Difficult

I don’t know why it just hit me… But I realized just how difficult it is to make friends as an adult.  I would like to blame modern technology for that problem: everything is a click or a swipe away… if we don’t want to see something we block it… Phones have voicemails, everything has a hashtag… You know the drill. 

Can I say that I don’t like that? It’s all so icky to me.

Having so many modern conveniences has made us lazy. I took an unofficial poll from some friends, coworkers and customers of mine and I found that an overwhelming number of them said they don’t have much of a social life because they don’t have many friends. Now, maybe it’s just the group of adults I associate with, maybe my acquaintences are just over worked and under socialized, but then I went to the Internet. 

I found that the app Bumble (normally known for looking for romantic partners) has a new section for making friends. According to their Apple Store app description: “Bumble connects you to people around you.  After two people mutually opt in by swiping right, they’re added to each other’s ‘hive’ of connections. The woman has to say something first within 24 hours or the connection disappears forever. For same sex connections, or friendships, either person has to make a move within 24 hours before that connection disappears.  … Each person can extend one connection a day for an additional 24 hours. Bee social!”  

I wish I knew someone else that used the BFF side of Bumble instead of the dating side. I only know one person that uses the dating side, and he’s let me play with it before… It’s a little like Tinder, and I think Tinder is disgusting.  I decided to give it a shot, so I downloaded the app, signed in with Facebook (they swear they won’t ever post to Facebook)  and made it to the page where you add a profile picture and… I got stuck. Everytime I selected a photo, cropped it and hit save the picture went into cyber space and I had to start over. So, alas, I’ll try again in a few minutes with that project. 

In the meantime I read an article by Huffington Post that gave some tips for making friends as an adult. These tips included some unhelpful tips like: get out of the house, engage with people, and take risks. None of that seemed like it applied or would be helpful to me.  Thankfully, there were some helpful tips mixed in there, too: start with acquaintances, follow your passion/ develop your hobbies, and join a club. The last few tips seemed like actual, real people tips, but I still wondered how I managed to take that knowledge and use it for something! 

So, as I pick my own brain and decide if I can’t develop some of my real life friendships a little bit further I just have to know: is anyone else feeling like this? Everyone I know is dying to make new friends and they’re all just struggling to go to work, take care of their lives/homes/families and when it comes to making friends they just don’t know where to start and even if they did they don’t have the energy to do it.

I told my best friend the other day that I need the friends with benefits version of a best friend and she looked at me like I had grown a head and said, “you mean…like a friend where the benefit is having a friend?” And I felt like a big dumb. 

That’s all I’ve got for now. I hope everyone else is doing splendidly this warm summer morning! 

Procrastination Station

I never knew how motivated I could get until I needed to be studying for an exam. Granted, I wasn’t motivated to study… No, definitely not. This is when I suddenly needed to organize my purse, clean out my closet, color code my nail polish shelf and hand wash my delicates. I’d never even hand washed my delicates before, but it sounded like a good time to start!
I also managed to do a whole lot of other things (organize my craft cabinet, hung up a new set of curtains, created a new Spotify playlist that included my favorite cover songs- you name it) other than study. I even started this blog post about what all I did to procrastinate! 

Then I decided… That my exam is going to be at the same time tomorrow regardless of my study habits, but I will be a lot less stressed if I just put my music on hold, turn off my tv and hop to it. That being said, it’s a struggle and I don’t enjoy it. But I’m going to do it. 

Also… If anyone was wondering… I also tried on my new pair of shorts from target and they make my butt look fantastic. Lol 

Tattoos and Piercings

Okay people, I feel like I can trust you enough to let you in on a little secret. Can I trust you? Okay, great. Excellent, I’m very excited about this.

Very few people know this about me, but I have several piercings (5 to be exact) and a tattoo… And will be adding a second tattoo very shortly. I love ALL of my body jewelry/ art and I am really looking forward to adding another piece. I didn’t know it until I was suddenly that person, but your body really is your temple and you really should cherish and enjoy it… And maybe even decorate it a little bit. 

It’s amazing how much self confidence you can acquire when you embrace your curves and decorate your body the way you want it to look. I won’t tell you where all of my piercings are, but I will tell you that you can only see two of them when I’m dressed for work and those are the two in my ear lobes. My one tattoo is on my back and that’s where my second one will go, too. 

Want to see what my next tattoo will be? Here’s a peak! Mine won’t be on my arm, though. 🙂 

A Lazy Girl Movie Review of How To Be Single

Have you seen How To Be Single yet? If you haven’t yet seen it… Well, either stop reading this so I don’t spoil it for you or at least watch the trailer Right here! so you have an idea of what I’m talking about. Ready? Here we go!

Firstly, I think it’s important to say that I was really looking forward to this movie. The fact that it stars Rebel Wilson and I love her AND the fact that when I started seeing the trailer for it I was just freshly out of a long term relationship…well, I needed this. I needed this movie to tell me it was okay to be single, it was okay to experiment and find myself and… I don’t know, get a tattoo of a butterfly or something. I needed to like this movie to reassure me that I didn’t suddenly have cooties because I was single for the first time in a long time. 

Yeah, well, that was a total waste of $20. (I’m including the cost of popcorn in on this estimate, obviously.) This movie, in my humble opinion, is a total waste of the two hours it took for me to see it. The acting is forced and the storyline is awful. If possible, this movie made me feel bad for myself as well as every other single girl I knew. The main character, Alice (Dakota Johnson) is vapid at best- she’s freshly single and then instantly regrets it and comes across a self centered, slutty Trainwreck of a girl named Robin (Rebel Wilson) who basically drags her all over New York City insisting she sleep with as many people as possible, ignore all responsibilities (you know, like showing up for work on time) and using men to her advantage (like insisting that she flash her boobs at anything with male parts so she can get free stuff). 

…my inner feminist is not impressed. 

In the end I don’t even remember how this movie ended, but I will never forget how it made me feel: 1.) depressed and 2.) like I was going to permanently cringe for women everywhere 3.) suspicious that everyone is messed up/ a cheater/ a liar and that’s the reason that our divorce rate is so high. 

Seriously, it was even worse than the Amy Schumer movie Trainwreck which was even worse than the title suggests… Except for John Cena, because everyone loves John Cena. 

If you need a little visual aid to understand what I’m talking about in this movie, here it is:

So… Here it is. A big flat NOPE in my book. On to the next thing, I guess. Did anyone else feel the same way? 

Let’s Go on Vacation

Good morning/afternoon/evening/etc. to all of my wonderful lovelies out there!

It’s Wednesday and the weather is beautiful in Florida and all I want to do is go on vacation.  Because I am at work and my workplace does not have a lot of windows to speak of, I regularly enjoy a good Googling to take my mind on vacation for a few minutes at a time.

Sound too dramatic for you?  The long and short of it is that I want to go to the beach and because I can’t do that today, I Googled pictures of the beach.  Here’s some beach stuff for you, too!




It’s one of those days. I’ve had a long day. You’ve had a long day. I’m sitting here typing and I’ve got the hiccups and I can’t wait to get home to Jim and Pam.

Don’t know who I’m talking about? Check out this awesome Buzzfeed slideshow about Jim and Pam from the Office. They’re cute, they’re great, and they’re setting the bar about two feet too high for most modern day relationships.

I’m sleepy.

Today is the Mondayest Monday there has ever been.  Remember me complaining about missing my boy? Well, I still miss him, but I’ve seen him several times recently so I’m in a much better mood about that.  Remember me complaining about my hormones like the other day in this post -> I’ve Eaten Pretty Much Everything in My House ? Hormones are the worst.  I woke up to a text this morning from my best friend saying she cried on the way to Starbucks this morning… no particular reason other than the line was too long.

Like I said, it’s that kind of Monday.

I hope I don’t sound like a total grouch because I actually had an amazingly, surprisingly fun weekend and I’ve been in a great mood. But now I’m sleepy and there’s still two hours until the end of the work day and I’m just not feeling it.

Cue the countdown clock!



A Lazy Girl Review of My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2

The long and the short of it: it’s a great feel good movie. You should go see it.

One of my best friends was in town for a couple of days surrounding the Easter holiday and happened to be smart enough to order My Big Fat Greek Wedding off of Amazon and have it sent to her mother’s house so it would be there when she got home. Soo Sunday night we watched it and it was just as excellent as I remembered.  Ian Miller is still super dreamy and the best, most supportive boyfriend/husband anyone could ever ask for.

Fast forward to Tuesday night and then it was TIME!  The movie theater closest to my house has recently upgraded to fancy reclining seats so we went in, reclined and relaxed.  I can’t tell you what happens every moment of the movie because I spent the $10 and so should you to find out on your own.  It was different than I expected, a little, but still very funny.  All of my favorite characters were there and the end result was just what I wanted: love your spouse, love your family, love your life.

Now, here are some cute gifs that will make you love it as much as I do.




Am I too old for this?

So a couple of days ago I registered for some college classes.  Long story short I goofed around a lot a couple of years ago and never got around to finishing getting a degree. I’m currently 12 credit hours away from getting my AA and I’m beginning to think I’m too old for this shit.

Am I? I’m almost 25 and I’m already in a job that I love (holla!) that pays well, so I don’t technically need it, but I feel like it looks good on paper if I ever happen to be doing anything else other than this.  Anywho, so I registered myself for 6 credit hours for the summer semester and 6 credit hours for fall semester. So if I live through this and pass all four, I’ll have my AA. I’m so close and yet so far!

College hasn’t been fun for me. High school wasn’t fun for me but I had to finish that.  I have a lot of social anxiety and that’s why I basically avoided classes/college. I didn’t apply to the same school(s) my friends did so I wasn’t on the same schedule as everyone else… then they were taking four and five classes at a time and working no jobs and I was taking two and three classes at a time and working full time. Such is life, I guess.

All four of my remaining classes are online.  That’s both good and bad.  Good because it works with my schedule better, bad because I need to socialize and get out and make new friends because I feel like that’s what people do.

Eh, what I’d rather do is play on the Berry all day and drink delicious drinks.
I guess we can’t have everything all the time.

I’m mad at you because I miss you. Does that make sense?

Dear internet,

Please, please tell me that I am not alone in having these feelings.  I miss somebody and it’s been so many days since I last saw them, that now I’m all huffy and mad because I feel like there’s no way on God’s green Earth that they possibly miss me as much as I miss them.

This time, I’m not personifying cheesecake, I swear.  I miss a person. A male person.  I miss my male person that is snuggly and smells good and used to have a beard but now he’s just got a two day scruff going on… and it’s left me feeling funky.  Is there anyway on Earth that he misses me as much as I miss him?  Half of the day I feel like a chunk of my soul is missing and the other half I am angry at him for having to be far away from me for so long.  Now, I am aware that 40% of this weak at the knee bullshit is the fault of my hormones which are currently out of control, but bare with me all the same.  I spent ALL DAY yesterday mad at him because I missed him and it’d been ten days since I’d seen him last and then he up and texted me just before bed and said, “Hey, miss you. See you in a couple of days.” And I felt like my heart would explode out of my chest.


We’re apart for a good reason- he’s away at training. He will be training at a LEO academy 40 hours a week (and also sometimes weekends, if necessary) and he’s required to sleep there every night Monday-Friday (and also the weekends, if they tell him) … for the next six months. Oi vey.

So, I might go a month without seeing him, but I might get to see him on a spare Saturday or Sunday- I won’t know which one it will be until 6:00pm on Friday every week. All of that being said I can’t wait until I see him next.  My heart goes out to the spouses and family members left at home while their loved ones are on deployments- I’m so glad I didn’t have to know my male (I guess that’s what I’m calling him now) while he was on a deployment in the Marines.  I would’ve needed him to get me pregnant right before every deployment so I would have something to keep me occupied while he was gone.   <- That’s the hormones talking again.


In the meantime I’m filling my time with the following:

  • marathoning Downton Abbey, Golden Girls and Baby Daddy on dvd, cable tv and netflix, respectively
  • finishing a couple of knitting projects that I’ve started
  • creating countdown timers at work that countdown until the end of each day of work so I can go home and manage not to feel lonely without him
  • reminding myself that I am not actually suffocating, I just feel like it
  • trying to spend lots of time with my friends because they’re always there for me and they understand that if left alone I am going to crawl in a hole in a dark room and eat myself to sleep every night
  • obsessing over, instagram, and pinterest

Phew. That’s all for now.  On the bright side, now that I don’t have him distracting me maybe I’ll add “blogging more” to my list of things keeping me busy.

I can’t really complain too much- last week I went to the beach for a couple (2) days with a bunch of girlfriends and this week my best friend is coming back in town for Easter so if it’s warm enough we’re spending another day at the beach.

I’ve Eaten Pretty Much Everything in My House

Have you ever done that? Eaten everything in sight, I mean?


It all started when I woke up too early, managed to make my morning stretches take too long… (they’re supposed to be relaxing, dammit, and you can’t rush relaxation!) and by the time I was ready to eat I was actually 17 minutes late for leaving my house for work.  So, instead of eating a reasonable person breakfast I grabbed a granola bar and ran to the car.

That made me take my lunch break early because I was hungry, obviously, and that led me to being on the verge of hangry by the time I left work.

SO! I got home and unhinged my jaw like I was a snake and then I ate everything I could in sight.

Meanwhile: please, please for the love of God do not Google image search “snake unhinging jaw”.  I was going to attach a picture to this post of something quirky and funny and now I’m just terrified that I’m going to get eaten alive if I fall asleep while camping.

If you didn’t head my warning about the Google image search… well, I’m sorry.  Here’s a picture of two bunny rabbits kissing to make you feel better.
